There are a number of reasons for white spots on fingernails. However, most white spots are caused due to injury to the nail bed. White spots are similar to bruises. They appear after hard impacts and disappear after a few days in case of injury. Most people believe that white spots on fingernails are due to a calcium or mineral deficiency. However, more often than not they appear due to an injury to the nail. If you hurt your nail, the white spot will not appear instantly. Usually, it takes up to 2-3 days. Since they appear after a few days, most people forget about the injury and start worrying about calcium or mineral deficiencies.
These white spots are called leukonychia and can also be caused due to a reaction to nail paint or nail paint remover. These reactions affect the nail bed and lead to white spots. Other causes can include acrylic nails. Most people notice the appearance of white spots after the removal of such nails. The cause of this is trauma to the nail bed. This trauma is usually painless which is why the individual does not even notice it till the white spot appears.
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Those people who get manicures on a regular basis will also notice the appearance of white spots. This is quite common and occurs if the treatment is not carried out gently or if too much force is applied. The nail bed tends to get injured if the stick used to get rid of excess skin is used too aggressively or if the orangewood stick is moved too fast when loosening cuticles. In such cases, white spots can be avoided by carrying out slow and gentle manicures.
Rarely, white spots may also appear due to infections. These infections are usually minor and do not require any special treatment.
What to keep in mind:
Only minor injuries to the nail bed lead to white spots. For example- if you drop something slightly heavy on your fingernails, it may result in a few white spots. However, if you slam your finger into a car door, it is likely that your finger and nail will swell and bruise.
How to treat white spots on fingernails:
As has already been established, white spots on fingernails are harmless and should not be given too much attention. However, if you find them embarrassing and wish to hide them, keep the following tips in mind:
- Using nail paint on a frequent basis will do the trick. A soft pink or peach color will effectively cover the spot.
- Massaging the affected fingernail can prove to be helpful. This allows excess blood to reach the fingernails and therefore, get rid of the problem easily and within a short period of time. Using a simple moisturizer or cream is enough in this case.
- Apply Vitamin E oil onto the nail and the skin surrounding the nail. This will moisturize the area and get rid of the white spots. Do this on a regular basis to avoid them in the future.
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When is it serious?
In case you notice an excess of white spots on your fingernails and cannot remember injuring them even lightly, it is recommended that you visit a dermatologist. White spots can also occur due to minor infections. Visit a doctor in this case in order to avoid further problems. Curing an infection in its early stages is recommended instead of observing the degree of the infection.
If you suddenly notice too many white spots that refuse to disappear, the reason could be a problem in some other part of your body. If your nail turns white, you could be suffering from liver disease or anemia. Therefore, even if it turns out to be a false alarm, visit a doctor if your worry gets the best of you.
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Preventing nail trauma can keep white spots at bay. Nail problems-both minor and major should be avoided. In order to protect the nail bed, make sure that your nails do not get injured too often. It is also recommended to keep fingernails short and trimmed. This is because long and sharp fingernails tend to get injured faster. Wearing gloves is also a good solution.