After a miscarriage, a woman’s body returns to the normal state it was before pregnancy in a few week’s time. HCG levels start rising during the ensuing months of pregnancy. After miscarriage doctors monitor the levels in order to keep them at 5.0.
While for some, periods may begin a good 45 days after the miscarriage, usually for most women, the first menstrual cycle after a miscarriage happens after four weeks. The extreme cases are when the periods begin as early as fifteen days or as late as 180 days (6 months!)
When the miscarriage happens with a minimum of complications and the woman normally has regular periods, the cycle will resume within a month or 45 days. If you do not feel comfortable when the menstrual cycle is delayed, it is important you consult the doctor to discuss the issues pertaining to resuming a normal, healthy period.
Though periods may commence, it is only after a few menstrual cycles that they become as normal as they were before conceiving. A significant fact to remember is that though the periods begin after four weeks (at the earliest), ovulation begins a fortnight after miscarriage.
It is prudent to use birth control methods now as the woman is yet to recuperate from the trauma of the miscarriage. Having unprotected sex soon after miscarriage may make a woman conceive within a fortnight of the incident! A home pregnancy test may explain why the menstrual cycle has not resumed!
The healthiest option for a woman who has just had a miscarriage would be to consider pregnancy only after the menstrual cycle has resumed. Until this time partners should opt for safe birth control methods.
Another reason why health caregivers suggest waiting for a couple of menstrual cycles to pass before considering pregnancy is that by that time the woman would also have learned to cope with her loss, both emotionally and physically.
If the miscarriage has been fraught with complications like severe bleeding, tiredness, and unregulated discharge then the doctor would advise a woman to wait for the symptoms to wane before considering pregnancy.
At the same time, hormonal changes are also taking place for the woman. Because of that too her physical and emotional conditions may become abnormal and fluctuate. Before planning the next child both parents must jointly determine that the woman is physically and emotionally ready for the next pregnancy.
The most significant aspect to remember, after a miscarriage, is that it happened because further progress of the pregnancy would have brought in more complications.
Care must also be taken to see that the emotional trauma should not overwhelm future plans for the family. The woman must learn to cope with the recent misfortune, with the care and co-operation of her partner, and look forward positively towards the birth of the next child.
Miscarriage is an unfortunate incident in any woman’s life. It may or may not be accompanied by complications. Complications include pain, tiredness, severe bleeding, and abnormal discharge. There are also emotional issues to deal with after a miscarriage. Periods resume four to six weeks after miscarriage if there have been no complications. Ovulation starts a fortnight later.
A woman must take care of herself and cope with the incident in a manner that she can positively look forward to a pregnancy in the coming days.