Diabetes belongs to metabolic disease, which is caused due to the pancreas, which doesn’t produce enough insulin to physically turn the sugars into energy. Mainly there are three types of diabetics:
Type-1 Diabetics:
This is an autoimmune ailment, which is the result of the resistance to fight against infection, resulting in the attacking of the cells by the body. The body actually destroys the beta cells in the body and thus the cells don’t produce any insulin. People who have type-1 diabetics have to take insulin daily to break down the sugar and turn it into energy.
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The main causes for this type of diabetes were not known, but genetic, environmental factors, and autoimmune play a major role. Type-1 diabetics will affect people of any age group but mostly found in children and young adults. Some of the symptoms of type-1 diabetes are constant hunger, urination, blurred vision, fatigue, unexpected weight loss, or weight gain. At the early stage, the medication should be given for these diabetics else there may be a high risk of having a diabetic coma or it may also lead to death.
Related: 8 Warning Symptoms Of Diabetes
Type-2 Diabetics:
This is the most common type of the three diabetics. This type will affect adults, who have a genetics problem, or even previous history of gestational diabetes. This type is not due to the inability in producing insulin, but rather using it effectively. This type of sugar will have a higher level of glucose and in turn sugar in the blood.
Related: Symptoms Of Diabetes
Gestational diabetics:
This type of diabetes occurs mainly in pregnant women. This gestational diabetes is caused due to carbohydrates, which increases sugar levels in the blood. The women, who have gestational diabetics, should control it from being affected to the child at the time of birth. If the sugar levels in the blood are not controlled, then the baby is having more risk to get insulin shock at the time of birth.