As you have done the hardest task to deliver a baby and now, it’s one more turn to support your husband as a new dad. You haven’t had a good night’s sleep, a shower, or a good meal in many days. You have put the whole of your energy into taking care of this brand new baby. So, one thing you can do is read on how the mother and father can happily take care of the baby.
Give him opportunities to bond
Maybe he gives baths, rocks the baby to sleep after a feeding, or does tummy time activities. As women are the main source of food, but also give opportunities to your husband to bond with the little baby. The new dad has a role and he has to fulfil his duties too.
Give him direction
Your husband doesn’t have those motherly instincts. But you both can chalk out how to care for the new baby. Being dad has its own charms and benefits. Maybe WE should try…” or “I wonder if…would help?” – give him some directions by asking and relaxing with your husband. Though some things are common sense, they may be learnt by your husband.
Tell him what you need
Just straightforward tell him what you need as your husband can’t read your mind. He wants best for you and your baby, so go tell him what you need.
Be patient
Don’t expect to become the best daddy overnight. Don’t think much about it, he is here to help. He can do some mistakes but remember he cares for you and your baby.
Give encouragement
This is the time for you to point out what a good job he is doing with the baby when he soothes the baby. Even after many attempts, husbands can’t soothe the baby, but here you come with all the answers. You have to encourage your husband. Give him encouragement and thanks for trying.
Get up with mother for late night feedings
You can get up with mother when she breastfeeds the baby. You can soothe the baby by tousling his hair.
Soothe the baby when he cries at night
You can soothe the child if he is crying at sleep time and clean the mess too.
Listen to his suggestions
Husbands have good ideas, they know how to silence a baby. Listen to their suggestions, they don’t always need directions. Once a baby was crying in the middle of the night and father knows he can be calmed with a pacifier. So, he suggested to the mom. After that night, parents knew where her pacifier was at all times and she slept like a little champ.
Work as a team
Remember you are together in thick and thin. Just be assured if you are together, you can both handle difficult situations. It can be anything from calming a baby to easy task of changing his diapers.
Trust him
If you know the baby needs to be fed, changed, or go to sleep try to keep quiet and let the husband figure it out. Trust him in everyway possible. He is there to take care of his baby and you. Dad care is the best after all.
Ask him how can you help him
If your husband has gone back to work, ask him how it is going. As babies are close to their mothers, so the whole business is about mother and baby. Dads get left out. Here you come and ask him how can you help your husband.
Let him know you appreciate him
Here it goes- let him know you appreciate him and notice his efforts, this way he will be happy taking care of the baby and will be encouraged throughout. You appreciate the little things he does from prenatal days to the days of his growing up. Even if he decorates the room with a photo wall of mom and child; do appreciate him always.
All the lists that are given above can make you support your husband as a new dad. As you are a new mom, he is a new dad and you can both work in tandem or team to taking responsibility for your child. These are the way in which a father can be encouraged as you also need his help in the hospital. He will run here and there, while you are tired. He will take care of the baby. Don’t just assume there are two stars of the show when there are three i,e, baby, mom and husband!