Teeth are small white structures present in the jaws. The root of the teeth is protected by gums and bones. Teeth are made of living tissue called the dental pulp. The pulp is protected by two layers, the outer hard enamel, and the inner dentin. Teeth are sensitive to pressure, …
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Ayurveda For Respiratory Tract Infection
Respiratory tract infection is a viral infection. Over 20 such viruses are known and they are highly contagious. The infection spreads through normal physical contact like shaking hands and particularly through sneezing and coughing. It is of two types – Upper and Lower respiratory infection. Upper respiratory tract infection affects …
Read More »Shalakya Tantra ENT In Ayurveda
Shalakya Tantra is one of the eight branches of Ayurveda the ancient Indian medical science. This system of medicine deals with the diseases of the human body above the neck such as the head, eyes, ears, and throat. Shalakya Tantra can be said to be the Ayurvedic system similar to the …
Read More »Ritu Charya In Ayurveda
Ritu in Ayurveda means season and Ritu charya means the seasonal adaptations of the body constitution. Ayurveda always believes in maintaining a balance between the life forces present both inside and outside for good health prevention of diseases. In a nutshell, Rithu Charya can be described as the Ayurvedic principles …
Read More »Agad Tantra In Ayurveda
Agad Tantra or Agada Tantra is the branch of Ayurveda that is similar to the Toxicology of modern medical science. This science deal describes the various poisons that affect the health of human beings and the methods of expelling them from the body. The subject elaborately discusses toxins and how to …
Read More »Fatigue And Ayurveda
Fatigue is also known as exhaustion or weariness which is a feeling of lack of energy. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is identified lack of strength or energy for longer periods like six months. Fatigue may be accompanied by a desire to sleep. It is a common complaint reported due to various reasons. …
Read More »Ayurveda For Menopause
According to Ayurveda, the 5000-year-old ancient Indian healthcare system, menopause is often associated with the process of aging in women. It is just a natural transition in women at the age of 45 to 55 years. Mainly there are three types of menopause – Vata dominated menopause, pitta dominated menopause …
Read More »Ayurvedic Treatment For Endometriosis
Endometriosis is a disorder of the female reproductive system. The tissue lining the uterus thickens in preparation to form a covering for the fetus. If conception does not occur the lining known as the endometrium gets expelled through the vagina and this process is known as menstruation. When the tissue is formed outside …
Read More »Ayurvedic Cure For Erectile Dysfunction
This Erectile Dysfunction (ED) term can be described as the inability to achieve or maintain an erection or the ability to achieve an erection for only a short duration. This condition is also referred to as ‘impotence’. The condition worsens with advancing age. The affected person is unable to perform …
Read More »Ayurvedic Cure For Baldness
Baldness is a condition that can affect a person’s appearance and causes worry for many. Preventive measures can help in the delaying of this process. Others resort to methods of hiding baldness to look and feel good. Baldness is generally known as Alopecia. Alopecia areata is a condition in which bald patches appear in …
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