Anemia is a medical condition that is characterized by a decreased quantity of hemoglobin or a decreased number of red blood cells in the body. It is one of the most common disorders which affects different human beings. Red blood cell production involves the usage of iron, proteins, vitamins such as Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid. However, for the production of hemoglobin, it is the iron and proteins that play the most significant role. Whatever may be a degree of severity of anemia, medical attention must be sought at all costs and appropriate treatment measures must be taken.
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In order to manage the symptoms of severe anemia, different treatment options have been suggested. Anemia is a highly prevalent condition worldwide and the most common form of anemia occurs as a result of iron deficiency. Anemia may be caused due to many reasons. It has significant effects on the energy level, quality of life, and also in child development in the case of pregnant women.
Whenever symptoms of severe anemia are seen, it should be given immediate medical attention. This is because the occurrence of this type of anemia generally indicates that there are one or more serious nutritional deficiencies present in the body. Therefore, whenever symptoms of severe anemia are noticed, it is important to pay adequate attention to the underlying medical problem and implement an appropriate treatment approach after diagnosing the condition appropriately. Nutritional deficiencies primarily lead to severe anemia and as a result, the symptoms of severe anemia may be seen.
Severe anemia is generally noticed when a medical practitioner comes across different symptoms of severe anemia. Severe anemia is a condition that requires urgent medical attention in any age group where it is seen to occur. Thus if symptoms of severe anemia such as men of any age afflicted with severe anemia may suffer from unexplained iron deficiency anemia and a hemoglobin level of 11g/dl or below. In such a situation, immediate medical attention is required. The other symptoms of severe anemia may be visible in women who are not menstruating but still are afflicted with an unexplained iron deficiency anemia. The hemoglobin level in these women has been found to be below the level of 10gm/dl. It is important that these women should immediately consult a physician or a gastroenterologist. Yet other symptoms of severe anemia may be seen in people who fall under any age group who are afflicted with iron deficiency anemia. It is important to refer them urgently to a gastroenterologist and a decision of endoscopy may be taken in such individuals or at times it may also become to refer them to upper GI tract specialists.
The symptoms of severe anemia may also be seen in people who are afflicted with iron deficiency without dyspepsia. In such a case, a possibility of upper gastrointestinal cancer may be seen in these people and therefore it becomes very important to seek medical expertise from the experts in the field of upper gastrointestinal cancer. Yet other people with unexplained iron deficiency and unknown etiology may present with symptoms of severe anemia and thus it becomes to urgently seek medical care and attention for them.
The other cases of anemia wherein symptoms of severe anemia have been found include profound anemia and heart failure, anemia due to menorrhagia that fails to respond to treatment, intolerance states to oral iron supplements, those suffering from recurrent anemia.
Different people vary from each other with respect to the intensity of anemia that may occur. The symptoms of severe anemia that have been found in people suffering from anemia include fatigue, lethargy, shortness of breath on exercise, palpitations, sore tongue, etc. Yet other symptoms of severe anemia include recurrent mouth ulceration, headache, loss or change in appetite, etc.
In addition to the symptoms of severe anemia, some of the common outward signs have also been found in people who are afflicted with anemia. These include pale appearance, changes in the appearance of the tongue, which may have a smooth appearance, cracking at the corners of the mouth, etc. In some of the people, the signs such as their fingernails being spoon-shaped or being highly brittle in nature have also been seen. In some others, loss of scalp hair has been found to occur, etc.
When a person reports symptoms of severe anemia, he must be thoroughly diagnosed and different pathological tests should be conducted. For example, tests for finding out full blood count, etc. are extremely important.