Healthy leg and the affected varicose veins

Spider Vein Treatment

Spider veins are bluish-red veins that develop mostly on the legs and face. These veins are visible through the skin and can twist and turn.

The condition most prominently occurs on the legs and face. A spider vein is known as telangiectasias in medical terms and there are no potential risks till it becomes a large bulgy vein. Most individuals think that varicose veins and spider veins are the same. But it is not the truth and more importantly one doesn’t lead to another. Varicose vein condition refers to the swollen and large veins that occur on legs. Whereas the spider veins occur in groups and are very delicate. However, both varicose and spider veins are caused due to similar factors.

Causes or Reasons for Spider Veins

Many factors such as heredity, obesity, anything that causes pressure on the abdomen such as constipation, hormonal changes post-menopause or during pregnancy are possible factors that cause spider veins to occur.

Till today it is not known what makes the body create spider veins, but in the medical field, there are numerous theories that tackle likely causes. According to a theory spider veins that occur near the skin surface are generally fed by varicose veins that lie beneath the skin. These veins are embedded deeply so that they reach the skin surface. As a result of the underlying veins, the blood circulation could be disrupted and that could enable spider veins growth.

Some of the medical experts relate the spider vein situation to estrogen imbalance or heredity factors. There is a possibility that spider veins could occur with the varicose veins. The majority of the patients suffering from spider veins resort to cosmetic improvement in order to get relief from the pain. The formation of spider veins on the skin surface takes place due to the dilation of smaller veins under the skin, especially in the legs. Spider veins appear like purple or red sunbursts in the affected region. According to medical studies the condition doesn’t involve any health risks though it would produce a burning or aching sensation in the legs due to prolonged standing.

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Symptoms of Spider Veins

Patients with spider veins often complain of pain in the legs, cramps restlessness.

Women complain of unbearable pain during the menstrual cycle or post-menopause. They usually complain of throbbing pain and tingling sensation. . Occasionally, varicose veins can form a painful blood clot with inflammation of the vein called thrombophlebitis.

Patients feel heaviness in their legs after walking or standing for a long time. This condition is temporarily relieved by lifting legs or placing them on a cushion.


Treatment Options for Spider Veins

1.   Weightloss: Obese patients would be required to lose weight as excess weight also leads to spider vein inflammation.

2.   Support stockings: Surgical stockings available in chemists shops cause relief especially during pain.

3.   Laser treatment: Laser is sent endovenous and causes the vein to collapse, done under local anesthesia. One and the only treatment that is available for the treatment of spider veins is to exterminate them. Before eliminating the affected vein a medicated solution will be injected into a vein and it causes contraction of the spider vein. Then it would be exterminated easily through various medical procedures. The process is referred to as sclerotherapy.

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Sclerotherapy is a painless medical procedure that improves appearance and prevents the growth of spider veins in the future. With inventions in the medical field, lasers are extensively used in eliminating spider veins on the face. On the contrary laser, the method is not that effective on veins as in the case of sclerotherapy on legs and arms. Therefore sclerotherapy is regarded as one of the safest and best treatment methods related to spider veins. Sclerotherapy involves multiple treatment sittings and after the therapy, the patient will have to wear a support hose or compressive bandages for about 2 – 3 weeks.

4.   Radiofrequency: A catheter is inserted inside the vein and with heat, the vein collapses, again done under local anesthesia.

5.   Surgery: Large spider veins can be treated with surgery such as ligation or stripping.

6.   Vasculight and Photoderm: Now a day laser treatment is used alongside needle therapy is used to treat spider veins on the face. The heat generated from a high-intensity beam of laser destroys spider veins. This particular treatment is effective on fair skin people to treat tiny veins.

Best Treatment of Spider Vein in USA-Vein Clinics

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