
Skin Treatment for Sun Damage

Sunspots are usually seen on the face and hands.  They are caused by exposure to harmful effects of ultra-violet rays of the sun and extended sessions in tanning booths.  Sunspots are also called solar lentigines, which means lesions caused by exposure to the sun’s rays.

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Generally, sunspots are considered a sign of aging.  That is why most people feel self-conscious about them.  Though not a serious health issue, the spots tend to cover more area as time passes and appear darker and unsightly, especially on the face.  There are several ways to confront and manage the problem.  You can either go for a full-fledged treatment, you can purchase products over the counter or you can get medication prescribed. Here are some useful tips for the same.

Girl with freckles sun damage-skin care

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  • A dermatologist can be approached for advice on the best type of treatment that will help alleviate the problem
  • Treatment for sun damage to the skin should be combined with good care of the skin and staying away from too much exposure to the sun’s harmful UV rays
  • If you have a lighter or fairer complexion the damage to the skin by the sun’s rays is more
  • There are several products available that can effectively help repair the damage caused to skin by the sun’s rays
  • Vitamin C is included as an important and effective ingredient in some of the sun damage repairing products
  • Lactic acid and glycolic acid (both belonging to the family of alpha-hydroxy acids) are also effective against sun damage and are included in various skin repair products
  • These products help repair the sun damage by peeling off the exterior layer of the epidermis, leaving the skin more vulnerable to the sun’s rays.  Once you start using these products it becomes all the more important to protect yourself from the sun
  • When the acid-based products are used in combination with prescribed vitamin A products, it is more beneficial for the skin
  • Most of these products act on the skin gradually and their effectiveness is evident only after some months

Other significant products that are specially created to treat sun damage to the skin are

Chemical peels for sun damage

Chemical peels remove the upper layer of the skin and allow for new skin to grow.  This procedure makes the skin look younger and fresh.  There are peels that function only on the surface, while others that penetrate deep into several layers of the skin.  While glycolic acid-based peels are superficial and more popular, deeper penetration peels like trichloroacetic acid are used rarely.

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Tazarotene for sun damage

This vitamin A-based cream is effective in repairing sun damage and wrinkles too.  It effectively treats acne problems too.

Tretinoin Cream

This product, on application, is known to erase traces of sun damage.  Making the skin appear smoother is possible after the cream has been applied regularly for a few weeks use of this product thickens the dermis and the epidermis layers.  It also puts back the clock and you look younger after regular application for a few weeks.

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