The discoloration is one of the major problems that trouble people when it comes to their underarms. In order to formulate the right skin care tips underarms, you need to figure out the appropriate causes for the condition. At times due to various medical conditions, the underarms might get discolored, and then the treatment needs to be done with the guidance of a doctor. But there can be many external factors such as usage of a certain deodorant, shaving, etc which can lead to the discoloration of the underarms. If you decide to opt for topical creams then they should not be used for more than five to six months as these products can harm the skin. The skin lightening products mainly function by reducing the level of melanin in the body.
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Application of vitamin E oil in the underarms is a natural way of lightening the skin and it does not give rise to any side effects. One can adopt a few steps in order to avoid discoloration of the underarms and this can be done by following a healthy skin care routine, especially that is crafted for the underarms. Most of the time, due to shaving the underarms tend to get discolored and this can be avoided by inculcating the habit of waxing. If you feel that you are not completely comfortable with waxing, then you can continue with shaving with the aid of shaving cream and the blades needs to be replaced regularly. The fabrics are worn by you also play an important role in maintaining the skin tone of the underarms. Sometimes skin abrasion can occur if the cloth material is too rough, so one needs to wear cotton and loose-fitting clothes around the underarms.
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Conditions like hyperpigmentation require medications, but other factors such as wearing the right clothes, waxing, etc can be controlled and underarm discoloration can be avoided. Chemical peeling can also be suggested by your doctor if you want to get quick results for underarm discoloration. Besides discoloration of the underarms, an infection can also occur which is often characterized by itching. Infection can occur when the soap or the deodorant used by you does not suit the skin around the underarms. By changing the skin care products, the underarm infection can be controlled with ease. Skincare products that consist of allergens should be avoided as they can develop the growth of rash in the underarms.