Clean, glowing, and blemish-free skin is an aspiration for all of us. While a daily wash with soap and water was considered sufficient by the earlier generation, today, there are a large number of over-the-counter products to correct common skin problems in addition to general cleaning of the skin. Cleansing, toning, and moisturizing products to maintain normal skin are available at very reasonable rates. Increasing awareness about a regular skincare routine and the efficacy of home remedies to correct common skin problems have led to a plethora of cosmetic products to correct specific problems based on skin type.
Causes of Skin Problems
Stress, pollutants, and unhealthy eating habits have contributed to a large number of skin problems faced by the youth today. With the onset of physical and hormonal changes in the teenage years, the skin naturally undergoes many changes. Acne and pimple outbreaks are common at this age due to hormonal changes in the body. Often these skin problems continue on due to unhealthy lifestyle habits followed. Underlying health problems manifest as outbreaks of whiteheads and blackheads, which are further aggravated by a lack of skin treatment. Over-the-counter cleansers and blackhead removal strips available in the market help remove blackheads only to an extent. Only lifestyle changes can provide a lasting solution to blackhead formation without any side effects.
Related: How To Take Care of Sensitive Skin
Blackheads and its Results
Blackheads are formed as oil and grime clog the pores of the skin and cause inflammation on the surface of the skin. The exposed surface gets oxidized with exposure to air and forms a dark, discolored patch which is called a blackhead. If left untreated, blackheads e
mbed in the skin and cause acne pits when removed. Acne is likely to spread to other areas quickly.
Cleansers in Treating Blackheads
Oily skin is especially prone to blackhead formation. The use of strong cleansers and medicated strips are generally advocated as a solution to the problem of blackheads. However, prolonged use of blackhead removal solutions has side effects like drying and peeling of the skin. Daily use of blackhead removers is not advisable. Skin specialists advise the use of mild medicated cleansers once a day to remove excessive oiliness. This should be followed by the application of blackhead removal scrubs once a week.
Related: Packs To Close Open Pores
Home Remedies for Black Heads
There are a variety of home remedies for blackheads that are effective and have no side effects. Oatmeal, gram flour, and lemon juice are effective in controlling excessive oiliness which leads to blackheads. Other home remedies include sandalwood paste, grated potato, and Fuller’s Earth. The best thing about using home remedies is that they are gentle on the skin and can be used on a daily basis without harming the skin.