Officially, in pregnancy, the 40th week is included in the last trimester that is the third trimester, as it is the final stage of pregnancy. The improvement that can be observed in the 40th week is all because of the previous precautions that are being taken by the pregnant woman. At this stage, the baby is completely developed. During this period the expecting mother needs to prepare herself both physically as well as mentally as at this point delivery can be happed at any moment of time. Apart from the lung, all the organs are developed until this period. Apart from premature delivery, the normal delivery period of the baby is between the 38th and 40th week.
Among all other weeks that are included in the period of pregnancy, this is the busiest as well as the exciting week for the parents of the baby. At this particular week, they need to perform too many activities such as attending childbirth classes, doing shopping for the baby, beforehand packing for the hospital, decorating the nursery, and many more. As the baby develops completely in the womb of the woman, she feels very uncomfortable. Breathing problem, swelling in the limbs, back pain, as well as frequent urination, is the issues that she experiences.
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40 Weeks Pregnant Mother-to-Be
1. In this trimester as they need to carry a complete living body they come across much inconvenience. The weight of the woman increases. This is the last stage so the expecting woman needs to be more careful as the birth of the child can happen at any moment. Until the concerned doctor does not say whether or not to take the medicine she needs to carry the prescribed medicine on time. During this period she needs to monitor the changes frequently. The best way to avoid some unwanted situation is that always being in contact with the concerned doctor.
2. Overly sensitiveness, impatience, irritation, as well as restlessness, are some so the feelings that can be observed at the 40th week of pregnancy. Even though these feelings show negative sources, but they are some of the normal feelings that will cause at his stage. As it is high time for delivery extra attention needs to be given to the expecting mother.
3. During this period, monitoring the baby is very important; the best way to do so is by visiting the concerned doctor regularly. When he will be monitoring, depending upon the status of the baby some valuable options will be prescribed by him to the expecting mother, according to the convenience of the mother the doctor will apply the kind of treatment. As pregnancy is different from normal day-to-day life and the food that will be taken by the expecting mother should be taken after consulting the concerned doctor.
4. It is being suggested that, even though the mothers come across many negative feelings such as irritation, stress, whatever happens, she needs to be normal as these feelings are common especially this period of pregnancy. But the most important thing is that they should never go into panic mode. They always need to keep themselves normal as these behaviors hamper the growth of the baby. The most important point that an expecting mother needs to follow from the initial stage of pregnancy to the final stage is that she always needs to feel free while talking with her concerned doctor. If she is not feeling comfortable with the concerned doctor and cannot be able to express her feeling then it might cause some complications during the course of pregnancy as a proper guide will not be provided to her. So, while choosing the doctor just make sure that whether you are comfortable with him or not.
5. As much as the delivery date nears during this period the mother becomes impatient. The date that is expected in the delivery is only an estimation that is based on averages, as when an expecting mother reaches this trimester the contractions could begin at any moment. The pregnant woman should not panic if the delivery occurs either before or after the expected date, as the records say around 95% of deliveries are either two weeks prior or might be two weeks later from the due date. On the other hand, only in some cases, 5% of birth is given on the due date.
40 Weeks Old Fetus
At this stage, as the baby develops completely, it changes regarding the physical appearances. The weight of the baby is measured to from2. 8 kg-4 kg; on the other hand, the length of the baby increases to 20 inches. It is being expected that at this period the baby becomes mature and grows the ability to survive in the outside world. At this period the hair of the baby on the head becomes thicker as well as the skull becomes harder as the bones get developed completely. Even though the bones of the baby are completely developed and it makes the skull harder, but the fact is that the bones of the baby are still soft and pliable.
The changes that have been described above are related to normal birth such as weight. In some cases like premature or post-mature, the weight and other physical appearances can be different from the above-mentioned. The food habit taken by the mother, during the pregnancy period plays a vital role in the weight of the baby. So, it is being suggested that for delivering healthy bay the expecting woman need to make healthy as well as a nutritious food that is present in fruits, green vegetables, cereals, and other diet foods.
Any Other Preparation
An expecting woman always needs to be stress-free, as stress can be the most harmful as well as a killing factor during pregnancy. There are many ways that you can follow to become stress-free such as listen to music, involve yourself in the area in which you have more interest.
During this stage, she should always be mentally as well as physically prepare as delivery can be caused at any moment. Along with taking healthy food, she should also take fibrous fruit as well as a huge amount of water, juice and even milk should be taken.
As it is the last expecting stage the expecting mother should take a lot of care such as the need to avoid carrying heavy things. She should not feel stressed and she should not avoid taking high caloric food. She should not think negative thoughts. She should not suppose to take high unhealthy food.
Dad To Be
During this period the responsibility of the father increases, as the mother is unable to do some piece of work, those must be carried out by the father. Booking of a room at the hospital beforehand, informing the family members as well as relatives, arranging all the necessary stuff that might be required at the time of admission and delivery, and many more things are there that are needed to be taken care of by the father.
As it is the most important as well as a crucial moment for the mother, she needs to take extra care. Even though she might not feel like having food, but she has to take all the necessary healthy as well as nutritious foods that are prescribed by the concerned doctor.