Pregnancy as we all know is the fertilization and development of an embryo inside the mother’s womb. The fusion of the male and the female gamete during sexual intercourse results in pregnancy. Pregnancy is subdivided into three vital stages- first trimester, second trimester, and third trimester. Each and every phase has its own significance. The first phase is the phase that imposes threats on the embryo or the fetus. The embryo is the term used to refer to the offspring during its first 8 weeks. After that, it is termed a fetus. The second phase is the developmental phase which also involves monitoring and the diagnosis. The last phase involves the capability of the fetus to adapt to the outside.
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Mother: Symptoms and Medicines During 38th Week of Pregnancy
Symptoms and Their Proper Medicines
The symptoms during this stage are:
Clumsiness: The mother develops clumsiness towards her work. In such cases, she should relax and eat well. She should also take plenty of rest.
Bloody Show: There might be an increase in discharge from the vagina. The best way is to keep the region dry. However, constipation fades away in this stage.
Diarrhea: Loose bowel movements make it easy to make for the passage of the baby. If the mother is having diarrhea then the labour is imminent. In such cases, the mother should drink a lot of fresh fruit juices, toasts, and vegetables.
The mother should learn about all the symptoms of this period and take the necessary steps to prevent them. The mother should visit a specialist for regular checkups and maintain information regarding the health and the position of her baby. Furthermore, she should try to gain as much as information possible pertaining to childbirth. She should also make all the preparations for it. There are various pre-natal tools available to diagnose the health and the position of the baby. Ultrasonic images are one of them. It is a pre-natal tool for determining the positioning of the baby. 3D ultrasonic images are better than the 2D one because it gives every minute details pertaining to the fetus. The successful growth of a baby entirely depends on the mother as to how she is going to treat this period. It is she who knows the importance of this period.
Recommended Vitamins and Nutrition for the Mother to Be During the 38th Week
The mother is supposed to go on a healthy diet. She is supposed to have a balanced diet with healthy drinks. Her balanced diet involves lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, grains, lentils, whole grains bread, fats, carbohydrates, and proteins in correct proportions. She should also take healthy drinks at a particular time of the day. Supplements of magnesium and calcium should also be provided to her. Supplements of Vitamin B and Vitamin C should also be provided through capsules. The mother should drink at least 8 glasses of water daily to regulate proper digestion.
Clothing and Other Vital Aspects
The stomach of the pregnant mother bulges out. She must avoid wearing jeans or tight-fitting clothes during this week. In the 38th week of pregnancy, a woman gets heavy or gain weight. Pregnant gowns or apparel which is loose, as well as comfortable, must be used by a pregnant woman so that she can provide comfort to her child and herself. Such types of clothes are available in almost all corners of the world. During this period some swelling in the ankle or feet might occur. In that case, the mother should go for a practitioner. There might be swelling around the face and puffiness around the eye region. There might be a slight gain in weight of the mother. There might be occasional headaches, blurred vision, vision changes, and indigestion during this period. There might also be upper abdominal pain, nausea, or vomiting. Symptoms might also occur for preeclampsia. For many women, the upcoming period is something full of excitement as she is waiting for her baby to step into the world. The mother might also encounter temporary loss of vision as a symptom of pregnancy. The mother should go on for a conversation with the doctor on labour pain relief. She should also seek advice on things that need to be done after childbirth. She should start preparing for that.
Recommended Tests for the Following Symptoms
1. Enlargement of breasts and colostrum is another symptom that is encountered during this period. There may be a discharge of yellowish fluid called colostrum. This serves as the milk to the newly born baby. The milk contains proteins and antibodies required by the baby.
2. Headaches are another symptom of this stage. This occurs because of the irregular flow of blood towards the brain. This can be regulated by constant exercises.
3. Clumsiness, loss of vision, forgetfulness is also other symptoms that occur in this stage.
4. Fatigue or extra energy: There might be a level in the change of energy of the mother. She might suffer from loss of energy or she might get a burst of energy.
5. Swelling in the ankle and feet occurs due to the loosening of joints and ligaments down the pelvis.
6. Stretch marks fully appear in the abdominal area accompanied by itching. This can be reduced by moisturizing the area and keeping it dry.
7. Difficulty in sleeping: The mother might also encounter difficulty in sleeping because of mixed feelings. She might be excited or worried. She should try to keep herself calm.
8. The vaginal discharge may change from pinkish to brownish color. The only way for this is to cleanse the area and keeping it dry and clean. Good smelling odor can also be applied to have a fresh feeling.
Myths and Facts of the 38th Week of Pregnancy
The baby now possesses the ability to respond to the sounds, light, and voices occurring in its proximity. It also makes constant coordinated movement and performs its daily activity cycle. It makes its movement towards the pelvis to make its way out. Its head is generally placed down which is safest for delivery. After the baby is born, it establishes a new breathing connection. Every baby develops a little differently in its mother’s womb. The baby continues its kicking but that doesn’t hurt the mother because her uterus has started contracting. The baby tends to show its movement by moving toward the vaginal area. Sometimes it becomes difficult for the baby to come out in case of cesarean cases.
Growth of the Baby
The baby is ready to greet the New Year. The boy baby tends to be slightly heavier than the girl. Baby girls weigh 6.8 to 7 pounds which are 3 to 3.2 kilograms. So the mother might get a hint to know whether the newborn will be male or female. The baby continues to accumulate fat in order to regulate body temperature. The sense organs of the fetus are fully developed, the lungs too. Most babies are 2.7 to 4.3 kilograms during their birth. It may vary for male and female babies.

Do’s and Don’ts of the 38th Week of Pregnancy
1. It is during this period that the mother should go for constant exercises.
2. She should go for meditation and yoga.
3. She should also relieve herself of pain by going for stretches in various positions.
4. She should keep herself happy and her mind free from worries.
5. She should have positive thoughts in her mind.
6. She should think about all the good things related to her baby.
7. She should start learning about parenthood.
8. She should also gain knowledge on childbirth and post-natal care.
9. She should also keep herself fit.
10. She should also make a backup for child care when her labour begins.
11. She should also consume vitamin e capsules.
12. Don’t make the mother go angry with someone.
13. Don’t get the blood pressure of the mother to rise too much.
14. Make proper preparations and get ready for delivery because sometimes delivery occurs during the 38th week only.
The male partner should take care of the mother and the child. It is his responsibility to provide special care and attention to the fetus and the mother. He should reduce the burden of the mother. He should also look after all the requirements of the mother.