Mankind’s love affair with plants started from the Garden of Eden as mentioned in the Old Testament but this romance was characterized by some irritating drawbacks, a prick on the skin but a skin nevertheless. I am referring to the nuisance called plant allergies. But before we can proceed further you need to know what allergies are. . What you have to remember is that allergy is caused by your body’s own immune system running amok The human body’s own immune system consists of two types of cells B lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes. The B lymphocytes produce antibodies which are protein molecules called immunoglobulins. They bind to the cell membrane of the offending invader cell eg bacterial cell, rupturing the cell membrane thus killing the cell. The T lymphocytes produce cells that phagocytose or engulf the invading cell thus destroying it. Now the question arises that from where do these lymphocytes get the information about which cell to attack and which not to. The answer lies in the fact that copies of the cells primed for one class of pathogens are stored as memory or template after an initial attack ready for the next assault.
Likewise, memory cells are formed for the initial allergen molecule after the first incidence of exposure. When there is another round of exposure the memory cells mount an exaggerated response to the allergen molecule, so much so that the body’s own tissues are attacked. This is the basis for allergic responses.
Before we talk of other plant allergies let us talk about poison ivy as the article is about poison ivy and other plant allergies.
Poison ivy or Toxicodendron radicans is a plant that grows wild in the North American continent. It is a woody vine which when touched by humans caused an itching rash medically known as contact dermatitis. This is caused by urushiol which is the chemical that produces the skin irritation
Poison Ivy grows throughout North America at altitudes less than 4900 ft. It is characterized by 3 leaves and generally grows as a shrub or ground cover. or as a vine clinging to various supports. It is extremely common in New England, the Mid-Atlantic, and the South Eastern United States. It is not found in Europe.
The skin rash produced by Poison ivy develops into reddish-colored bumps and frequent blisters. The reaction can progress to life-threatening anaphylaxis.
It is generally treated by applying Calamine lotion or Burrows solution.
Now let us discuss plant allergies. Plants allergies are generally acquired by humans when they inhale pollen produced by the plants which are released into the air. These pollen grains are actually on the way to fertilize other plants when they make a detour and enter human lungs instead. The most common reaction in humans on inhaling pollen dust is rhinorrhea or runny nose and cough. There may be occasional skin rashes and blisters.
These allergic reactions generally respond to simple anti-allergic anti-histaminic treatments like the administration of pheniramine malleate, mast cell stabilizers, or corticosteroids.
Trees that cause the maximum amount of pollen allergy are dioecious trees that bear male and female flowers on different plants. Trees to avoid are male ash, pine, oak, sycamore, elm, maple box elder, alder, birch, male maples, and hickory. Ragweed, Pigweed, and various types of grasses can be added to the list
Poisonous plants can also cause allergies. Examples of these types of plants include are split-leaf philodendron and rhubarb. Besides these plants various types of mushrooms, fungi, and molds cause allergies. Indeed, molds are a major initiator of asthma.
So now we can come to the question about how we can avoid plant-induced allergies.
The best thing to do is to live in a dry, desert climate. But that is not always possible.
You can use air conditioners with filters to filter out the allergens from the air you breathe. You can also wear pollen masks or use gloves.
Nowadays medical science has come up with another answer. An allergist desensitizes you to your offending allergen by injecting progressively increasing amounts of antigens under your skin. This is the most effective treatment.
So my advice is to love plants regardless of the allergic risks and condition your lifestyle and consult doctors so that you don’t suffer from them.