
Periods After Breast Feeding

How many times your baby is breastfed is the important factor that determines how sooner your body might resume the menstrual cycle.

Timing varies in every woman, along with the normality of it based on circumstances and body. Therefore time frames stated below serve as only approximate ones. If you are very much concerned, consult your doctor to evaluate based on your situation to guarantee that you share the right track.

A huge benefit of feeding your milk would be the delay of periods.

1.    If you prolong breastfeeding both during night and day, your periods might return over a year before even you have the thought of sanitary pads, premenstrual syndrome, and even coping with this period again.

2.    Periods will be earlier if supplemented with formula while you have stopped nursing your child in the earlier months.

To put it this way, regular breastfeeding results in a delayed period (sometimes it may take even one year).

If a child is formula-fed, then soon the next month after the delivery of the baby you will get your period, else it might take 2-3 months.

The very 1st postnatal egg would be released before menstruation. So if contraception is not started before involving in sex again, the chances of you becoming pregnant before 1st period is prominent. So never ever be misled by the fairy tale that you cannot be fertile while breastfeeding, since many mothers fall into unplanned pregnancy due to this.

Mother breast-feedes the kid

There are quite a few women who get periods only after they stop breastfeeding. A very important fact to note is that breastfeeding cannot be considered a form of contraception. The baby sucking sensation is the one that sends the brain a message stating them to suppress this hormone which would stimulate ovulation. The prominence of suppression mainly depends on the frequency and strength of sucking. If breastfeeding must work towards contraception then the baby must nurse every time, round the clock.

During pregnancy one will spend time learning about delivery, labor, and even the baby care necessary after childbirth. But several women do not consider what they can expect from their very own bodies till after delivery that which includes the menstrual cycle just after the birth of the baby.

After delivery, menstruation will happen for a few weeks which consists of placental tissue, mucous and vaginal discharge with blood. This will be there for 6 weeks. But the spot of the real period again is still a question.

If the below criteria are met then the chances of ovulation are just 2%.

a.  You have not got your menses yet.

b.   You are nearly or fully breastfeeding.

c.    Less than 6 months old baby.

Bleeding after 56th day is considered a start of ovulation. Full breastfeeding implies that the baby is not fed with any other supplements. It also implies that feeding intervals should not be exceeding 4 hours either during day time or 6 hours towards the night. Not limiting the supplements to your baby means the risk of ovulation.

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