Parents Talks

Most common reason not getting pregnant

You may not be getting pregnant because of ovulation irregularities, an underlying medical problem, structural problems in the reproductive system, or low sperm count.

Doctors recommend when you see a doctor related to infertility:
You’re younger than 35- you’re trying for at least one year
You ‘re 35 years and older- you’re trying for at least six months
The below mentioned are the reasons why you’re not getting pregnant:

You’re not ovulating
Conception requires an egg and sperm being over or weight,  excessive exercise,  primary ovarian insufficiency, thyroid dysfunction and hyperprolactinemia. You may not be conceiving because you’re not properly ovulating.

Man’s infertility
Though Women carry the baby, it takes two to mingle up. Twenty to 30 per cent of infertile couples find fertility factors towards the man’s side. Make sure you get a test that measures the health of the sperm and semen.
It could be another way around and there is a problem in man’s fertility.

Parents Talks

Age-related fertility

For women after age 35 and men after age 40, it takes a lot longer to get pregnant. Some women think when they are getting regular periods their fertility is good, but this isn’t true. Age does impact egg quality. If your partner is five years elder than you, after age 35, in that case, it also causes a problem.

Fallopian tubes are blocked
If something prevents the Fallopian tubes from working right, or if anything blocks the sperm or egg from meeting, you won’t be able to get pregnant. Irregular ovulation has that 25 to 30% female infertility cases. The Fallopian tubes are the pathway between ovaries and the uterus.

The most common symptoms are painful periods and pelvic pain besides menstruation. However, not all women with endometriosis have this kind of symptoms. Endometriosis is like when endometrium-like tissue grows in places outside of the uterus. It is estimated that 50% of women who have endometriosis have issues related to conceiving. Better is to take proper precautions and go check with your family doctor. Take regular appointments and take proper medications.

Underlying medical problems

A thyroid imbalance or undiagnosed diabetes can cause infertility. Depression is also associated with infertility. You should go check with your doctor and as soon as you see a doctor, the fertility treatments work for you.

Unexplained fertility
Between 25 to 30% of infertile couples never find out why they can’t conceive. Some doctors say it’s lack of good diagnosis. The fact remains that some couples don’t get answers. However, not having answers doesn’t mean the infertility problems can’t be treated. If your diagnosis is unexplained, you can still go for proper treatments. An undiagnosed sexually transmitted illness can also cause fertility-related problems.

Stress levels
Balance and calm are a crucial part when trying to conceive. When you’re stressed your adrenal system takes a hit in a way. Your body isn’t going to say, ‘Okay, let’s get pregnant.’  Stress takes a toll on you mentally as well as physically. You are being bombarded every day with diaper commercials and you are keen on saying those snuggled babies poster in the supermarket. A reason maybe you’re not getting pregnant because of stress.  Do meditation and exercise, it will help a lot.

Sleep deprivation
when immune systems are down a little bit and they’re prone to getting infections, which will affect the reproductive cycle. Infections can really cause fever and that heat can damage the sperm temporarily. Women who don’t get enough sleep because of bad night routine can also start to feel anxious, which may cause missed periods. It is also one of the reasons to not get pregnant.

Weight issues

A woman who is underweight or overweight may cause difficulty in conceiving a baby.
Maintaining a  balanced healthy diet and having a rigorous exercise routine will do magic for your mind and body. Be positive and keep attitude positive. It has that effect on body and mind too.

Cycle confusion
A lot of women don’t understand their own menstrual cycles. Every woman is different and cycles vary in length as most of us were taught the regular 28-day cycle in health class back in high school. The biggest thing is timing.

Know that there is help available when it comes to difficulty getting pregnant. Many couples delay the procedure of testing and treatment thinking they should try a little longer. But, this isn’t the case. Because some causes worsen with time. The sooner you take help, the sooner fertility treatments work for you.

And more soon there you welcome a new member in your family and get good news after all. So, take the help of a specialist and encounter all the problems you face. It is not an overnight wonder and it takes many prescriptions to get alright with time really.

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