Kayachikitsa is well-known as a branch of Ayurveda, the holistic and herbal healthcare system. This ancient system has been in practice for more than 5000 years. The treatments address the root cause of the illness to bring permanent solutions to the disorders without any side effects. The primary concept of Ayurveda is Agni, Fire on which the whole system of treatment revolves.
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Kayachikitsa is the general medical system of Ayurveda. The word ‘Kaya’ means body and “chikitsa’ refers to treatment. Kayachikitsa procedure is meant to be the internal medicine in Ayurveda. Charaka Samhita is the Ayurvedic text that described vividly explains the various methods of treatment of illness using Kayachikitsa. The system recommends various physical and mental disciplinary methods to supplement the specially prepared medicines. The rejuvenation process is also known as Kaya Kalpa means renewal of the body according to Ayurveda.
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Ayurveda Treatment and Kayachikitsa
Ayurveda is based on the concept that the life energies present inside the human body and outside in the universe are the same and they are in harmony in a healthy person. When the balance of these energies called ‘doshas’ is disturbed, disorders occur in the individual’s body or mind. The treatment, therefore, is determined according to the condition of the patient as well as the environment such as the season or climatic conditions prevailing at that time.
Ayurveda treatment is based on the assessment of the unique combination of doshas present in the individual’s body. Every individual is born with a certain unique combination of three doshas namely vata, pitta, and kapha. Everyone gets a unique combination of doshas based on various factors at the time of his birth and it lasts throughout his or her life. This unique combination is known as the individual’s ‘Prakruti’. Once the Prakriti is determined, through ‘roga patreeksha’ (diagnostic test), the line of treatment is decided based on the dosha disturbances.
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Kayachikitsa Principle
Kaya means Agni which is the unique life force or energy that facilitates all bodily activities. The food we eat, the air that we breathe and the climatic condition, etc supply the energy to the body and this energy is supplied to the cells. Kayachikitsa is the first of the eight branches of Ayurveda known as Ashtanga Ayurveda. This ancient system consists of yoga and therapies like Acupuncture and Acupressure and is meant to provide relief to the body from inside and out. Kayachikitsa helps to maintain complete health in all seasons and environments. It can be learned and practiced by all to be able to provide relief and healing and rejuvenate their kith and kin. It requires a great deal of patience and compassion to remove the psychosomatic nature of the illness through the power of touch to care for and heal the ailing. There are vigorous techniques that can bring about fast and instant relief from physical and mental illness. There are long-term benefits such as regeneration of the physical system and restoring and maintaining complete health all through life.
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The Kayachikitsa Methods
The Kayachikitsa consists of changes in lifestyle involving a change in the eating patterns, change in the kind of food consumed and change of clothes, and even change of residence to remove environmental doshas. Ayurvedic treatment consists of Ayam, Vyayam, gati, and yoga sadhana which are some of the vital components of the holistic system of treatment. The system is used to treat a wide gamut of general illnesses like diabetes, skin diseases, rheumatoid arthritis and tuberculosis, and many more. The treatment includes various therapies and procedures such as purification and detoxification. Kayachikitsa provides the opportunity to curtail the disease at any stage so that its full manifestation is prevented. The significant feature of Kayachikitsa is ‘Panchakarma’ which is used for purification and cleansing of the body. This is done to make the body devoid of the dosha imbalances by removing the accumulated biological waste present in the body. These procedures involve purgation, enema, and emesis.