
How To Handle Separation Anxiety

Living in this world requires much hard decision-making and facing tough times. All these things cannot be handles alone and everyone needs company simply to live. And, when you are left lonely, you undergo separation anxiety. The hardest type of separation is the separation of young kids from their parents. Little infants tear their throats screaming when they see their parents heading towards the door. Even beginning to go to school also brings separation anxiety and distress to the young toddler.

Now, how to handle separation anxiety?

Separation anxiety is a normal part of the development of the young child and it usually appears when the child is about 6 to 8 months old and it may take until age 2 to 3 years to finally move out. As in much of infant development, the child’s temperament plays a role. A child who is good at adapting to the surroundings will not cause much of trouble with separation anxiety but a child who cannot easily adapt to the surroundings causes more problems.

Parents can reduce this separation anxiety by taking some steps like making sure that any temporary caregiver is a familiar figure. In simpler terms, it means that the babysitter or caregiver should come over and visit the bay while the parents are still around. By taking such a step, the baby starts recognizing the sitter and does not mind being left alone, when the parents tend to go out. sending the child to daycare but spending some time with him, gradually decreasing the time spent together. leaving the child with clear reassurances that parents will return at a certain time.

It also makes the adaptation that some anxiety is normal. Reduce the separation time as much as possible and take your baby along if he seems to feel anxious. With this option, you’re basically waiting for your baby to outgrow this stage.

How to handle separation anxiety is the question that rides all the minds of the parents. This separation anxiety can be for short time also like at night when parents tend to sleep in some other room. It is very natural for a child to feel uneasy and scared at night time, the solution for this problem is to spend the time before sleeping together and make it pleasant too.

So how to handle this nighttime separation anxiety can be answered as-

Spend some extra time at night with your child and make it pleasant and cuddly by singing lullaby softly together or narrating bedtime stories interactively et cetera.

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if your child cries at night go to him but make your visits “short and boring,” and he’ll learn to fall back to sleep without much help from you. Gradually, he’ll be able to fall asleep on his own.

When none of the above solutions works then recheck your daycare center and leave your baby with a relative who is recognized by the child. Also, check your goodbye pattern if it is awkward or formal. Reevaluate it and a simple “see you later, honey” followed by a quick hug and a peck on the cheek can do wonders for an anxious child. It shows your baby that leaving isn’t a big thing, you love him, and that you’ll be back with him again soon.

Often this separation anxiety becomes abnormal. This occurs when the child has reached an age when this anxiety should be over yet the child is still having excessive anxiety upon separation. This is known as a separation anxiety disorder. It can be due to hereditary problems or disruptions in the attachment of the child with the babysitter or faculty of the daycare centers.

This disorder can be treated and the treatment usually includes

  1. Therapy for behavior,
  2.  Play therapy, and
  3. Therapy to overcome phobias also called desensitization

Sometimes, medicines opted for the treatment. But the medicines should be the last option as they are not considered good for small children. Also, these medicines should be recommended by the pediatrician.

The above points make it crystal clear that how to handle separation anxiety is not really a hard question to be answered. Just a little care and time is all that a child requires.

Anxiety due to separation is very difficult to handle in various situations. This article will guide you on how to handle separation due to anxiety. There are various ways in which you can get over the anxiety. To know more about ways in which you can handle anxiety. In extreme cases, you can even seek medication which also helps in reducing stress.

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