Sound sleep is very essential for a newborn baby. It will help him to take a rest and relax their mind. Parents can also get some relief from daily tiredness and can finally get some sleep only if their baby is not causing any trouble to them. Even the doctors suggest that it is very important for the child and the parents to take at least 8 hours of sleep in a day to refresh their brain muscles.
Now, let’s have a look at some of the interesting tips and guidelines on how to make your baby sleep peacefully without causing you any trouble:
1. Set up a bedtime routine
You should set up a quiet routine before bedtime. It helps the child to understand that it will soon be the time to go to sleep. Use this time to give him a bath, listen to poems, cuddle, sing and quiet music or read him a story. Active play may make your child too excited to sleep and it will be tempting to play with your child before bed. Make bedtime the same time every night and also make every activity calm and peaceful, especially toward the end of the routine. This will help your child to establish healthy sleep patterns. But most babies should not be put on a sleep schedule until they are at least around 3 months old.
Related: Baby Sleeping Pattern
2. Make your child comfortable
Try to make sure your child is comfortable. A wet or dirty diaper may be waking up your baby. And if this is the problem try switching from regular diapers to overnight diapers. He may like to have a drink of water, toys near him, a left or right light on, etc. These often help children fall asleep. So let your baby sleep with a teddy bear or a special blanket. Make sure the object is safe. Just try to handle your child’s needs before bedtime so he does not use them to avoid going to sleep. Also, keep the temperature of the room normal.
Related: Baby Sleep Chart: Everything You Should Know About Your Baby’s Sleep
3. Have your baby sleep in your room
Your baby should sleep in your room with you but alone in a bassinet or other structure designed for infants. Ideally, adult beds are not safe for infants. They may be uncomfortable with it. Your baby may become trapped between the space mattress and the bed frame. Or a baby can also suffocate if a sleeping parent accidentally rolls over the baby and covers the baby’s nose or mouth. So always keep your baby in a bassinet in your room and help your baby become a good sleeper. Also, give your baby a smoke-free environment. Babies who are regularly exposed to cigarette smoke have a higher rate of SIDS.
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4. Place your baby to sleep on the back
Remember to place your baby to sleep on the back and clear the bassinet of blankets and other soft items. Your baby might cry before finding a comfortable position and falling asleep. If your baby has trouble settling down you can use a pacifier. It might do a trick. You should always put your child down on his back to prevent overheating and to reduce the risk of SIDS.
5. Don’t assume your baby is hungry
Don’t assume your baby is hungry as little ones sleep in short cycles of about 40 minutes. It means they stir frequently during the night. Just give your baby a few moments to settle on their own. You can also use another method if that does not work like offering the breast or bottle right away. You can also rub your child’s belly. It might take him back to dreamland.
Related: New Parents Baby Talking Tips
6. Don’t start solids early
Some parents used to start solids early thinking that there would be less chance their child would wake in the night if their child was extra full. But this activity can hinder your child’s sleep. It may lead to food allergies and gastrointestinal issues. Also, your child might also get diarrhea or vomiting in case he is not getting breastfed for at least 6 months to 1 year and is forced to adapt to the solid food routine. So don’t rush to solids early until the six months mark.
7. Keep the room pretty dark
Use blackouts shades to keep the room dark as lots of sunlight shining through the curtains or windows at sunrise may be waking your baby. So use blackout shades and make it easier for your baby to stay asleep. But if your child is afraid of the dark plugging in a very dim nightlight may soothe a child. So help your child to see the familiar comforting surroundings to get a sound sleep. Also, the sounds of sirens or the chirping of birds can rise tour a child a bit too soon. In that case, you can use a sound conditioner and help your baby associate those sounds with asleep.
Related: Handling Baby Tips for New Mother
8. Look at your baby’s diet
Just look at your baby’s diet to see if it might cause sleep issues. Mother’s diet plays an important role in a baby’s sleep. Caffeine may be passed on to the baby through your breast milk if you consumed any type of drinks like energy drinks or sports drinks or even chocolate. Spicy foods and sweets may also make your baby fussy and can cause sleep issues. So mothers are required to limit their caffeine quantity per day as too much caffeine is dangerous for babies. Also, make sure that your baby is eating enough during the day and night as older babies sleep for longer stretches when put toned with a full belly.
Final Words
Thus, make sure that you follow all the above-mentioned tips in order to provide all the nourishment for his better growth and development. Parents might also narrate a story or recite a poem for the kids at night which is a healthy way to make the children sleep. Moreover, this storytelling ritual will automatically make the children fall asleep if it is performed regularly by the parents.