When a woman is having difficulty conceiving then it would be better to undergo fertility tests. These fertility tests would evaluate the exact cause for infertility and the chance of women getting pregnant. Today there are numerous fertility tests to diagnose fertility and other related problems.
A blood test is one of the fertility tests that can help in diagnosing hormonal imbalances that interfere with the ability of women in conceiving.
Ultrasound scanning is the most common fertility test which evaluates the chances of a woman getting pregnant. Generally, it tests for PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). In addition, this test is also used to assess the health of the growing fetus.
Hysterosalpingogram is a type of fertility test that evaluates whether the women’s uterus has any kind of structural abnormalities. Laparoscopy is an invasive fertility test that reviews the odds of conceiving. Sono-hysterogram is another less invasive fertility test similar to that of the Hytersosalpingogram. But this method uses ultrasound technology for diagnosing a range of fertility-related issues.
Women can undergo “LH Surge” a type of fertility testing that helps in determining hormonal surge prior to the release of eggs from the ovary. The surge can be tested by reviewing the LH factor in urine. Afterward the couples have to go for intercourse and then immediately they are examined for post intercourse medical tests. At this time the sample of cervical mucus will be taken to check whether there is any presence of healthy and live sperm inside the uterus.
Day 3 Inhibin test is another common fertility test for women’s which is considered to be the most effective in detecting conditions that contribute to problems of getting pregnant. This test can accurately detect deprived ovarian reserve. In addition to above-mentioned fertility tests, there is numerous another type of fertility tests that are performed. These fertility tests can range from fertility tests at home to complex fertility tests done by specialized doctors.
In general, the fertility tests that can be done at home would just measure the level of hormones in the urine of women. This test can work only in the detection of hormones, but there could be other related problems that may not be evaluated through this test. A fertility test doesn’t refer to any simple test performed by a specialist. Normally a fertility test would involve a series of tests conducted to arrive at the root cause of the problem. Hence the doctors before going to actual fertility tests conduct initial medical analyses like an in-depth medical record of couples and simple tests related to cervical viral, bacterial or vaginal infection that can hinder the pregnancy process. These tests will help in determining whether women will be able to conceive or not.
The fertility tests can be taken by both males and females. There are several fertility tests to determine whether a male is fertile or capable of fathering a child. The most common tests for males are sperm Analysis, semen analysis, physical tests, evaluation of hormones, and genetic tests. The male fertility tests would spare his partner from unnecessary tests, expense and discomfort.
After the determination of fertility problems whether in male or female, then it’s better advised to get treatments at the earliest. Today there are numerous therapies, medications, and techniques available to enhance the fertility of couples. On the other hand, it would be better to maintain a balanced diet and to stay away from smoking or drinking habits.