Post-pregnancy weight is natural and every woman has to face it. Yes, it’s true that some increased a lot of weight while some other women experience very low weight gain. As soon as you deliver the baby you will start feeling the postpartum weight gain in your body. But don’t feel depressed, try to accept it. This is a very common thing that happens to all women. The best way to lose weight is to exercise. You can’t compromise your diet as it will less the breast milk. So, the last option for you is Exercise.
According to research, starting regular exercise in the early days of delivery is very beneficial for your overall health. Exercise also helps in reducing the risk of postpartum depression. Normally you can start the workouts after 6-8 weeks of your delivery.
It is good to start exercising but only after consulting your doctor. Every pregnancy periods and the deliveries are different. We cannot compare each other. So, it’s better to take a minor checkup before starting exercise to avoid many diseases. It is also advised that if you feel heavy bleeding, headaches or any other internal injury symptom then stop the workout immediately and discuss it with your doctor.
Here we have listed some of the easy but effective exercises for you which will help you in losing postpartum weight. Check out:
- Walking
Walking is the easiest and most effective exercise in the early days of delivery. Even walking is the safest workout during pregnancy time. It keeps the baby healthy and also maintains your weight before delivery. Start the day by walking. You can start with 15-20 minutes of slow walk and then gradually increase the time and speed according to the comfort of your body.
- Stretch
The stretch will give your body strength and will help you in preceding more exercises. Stretching and twisting your body is a kind of warm-up before starting any other exercise. If you will do at least 5-10 minutes of a stretch then you will feel how relaxed your body feels doing stretching.
- Pelvic Exercise
Pelvic exercise helps in tighten your tummy. While doing the pelvic exercise you have to lay down straight and pull your buttocks forward, tighten your pelvis and rotate your pubic bone upward. These will give a shape to your tummy.
- Workout to reduce hips
As we all know that women experience tremendous changes in their hips. They get loose and big which really looks very bad. There are many hips exercise which you can try to look beautiful.
- Sit-ups
The sit-ups will lose your overall fat but mostly it will affect the lower tummy fat. Like walking you can start with gentle sit-ups and then gradually increase it when your body feels comfortable.
- Yoga
Now day Yoga became a popular and more trend among all age groups. This is the best exercise to reduce your overall fat naturally. Yoga is the origin of India but now this has been done in almost all parts of the world. Make a habit to do Yoga daily. You can do many types of Yoga to give a shape to your body. Kapalbhati, hatha yoga, Kundalini yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Vinyasa yoga, Bikram yoga and many more.
- Surya Namaskar
This is my favorite one and I really like to do it. There are 11 steps in it which help your all body parts to lose extra fat. The Surya Namaskar is in Hindu culture and is a part of Yoga. The correct time to perform Surya Namaskar is in the morning time. However many people do it at any time but exactly it’s done when the sun rises.

- Dance
If you love to dance then nothing is good than it. The dance is the process which easily loses your weight very quickly. On the other hand, you will enjoy reducing your weight. Shake your body for at least half an hour twice a day. Set your favorite DJ song to get an energetic performance.
- Ups and down stairs
After 6-7 months of your delivery you can do ups and down the stairs. Do this process several times. This will give strength to your body muscles and legs. This stairs exercise is simple and you can easily practice it at home on a regular basis.
- Aerobics and Zoomba
After 8-9 months of delivery, you can take classes in Aerobics and Zoomba training. This will increase your confidence to do exercise with so many other ladies. If you have normal delivery you can try starting it after 2-3 months. This is a modern form of exercise which people are enjoying and loving to do.