
Chemical Facial Peels And Your Skin

People who have never heard of Chemical or Facial Peels treatment before will want to know, what is Chemical or Facial Peels peels? Medically a chemical peel is a skin treatment in which an ‘acid’ solution is used to clear the damaged outer layers of the skin. Typically referred to as a facial peel, chemical peel smoothes and enhances the texture of the skin. It is an effective treatment for wrinkles, uneven skin pigmentation, and facial blemishes.

A facial peel is a chemical, cosmetic treatment that can be performed by a dermatologist to help lessen the appearance of freckles, blemishes, light scarring, age spots, and a number of other irregularities on the face. Also called chemical peels, facial peels do improve the health of face skin, and can give new life and rejuvenation to the sun-damaged skin.

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Chemical Peel Candidates

In general, people with light hair and fair skin are the best candidates for a facial peel. However, people with other hair colors and skin pigmentation can achieve the best results as well. Ideal and perfect candidates for the facial peel procedure are individuals have realistic expectations of their procedure, do not smoke, and who are unhappy with the appearance of their skin.

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Chemical Facial Peels Parents Talks

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Commercial dermabrasion systems and facial peeling creams can be purchased at beauty supply shops or drugstores. These products in medical terms offer a mild ‘concoction’ of chemicals and alpha hydroxy acid removes dead skin cells and uncovers layers of new skin that are more even in tone and looks fresher. The cream is applied to the face and is given several minutes to work, then scrubbed and rinsed off with water. Some systems do come with a dermabrasion tool that works with the facial peeling onto the skin, cleaning off dead ‘skin cells in the process. Some allergic reactions are very possible with topical and chemical facial peel treatments, so always test on a small patch of skin before proceeding.

While going for a deeper peel, a dermatologist might recommend for a professional facial peel be done by an experienced plastic surgeon. These can be done with laser surgery or even stronger chemical creams. Generally speaking, the professional facial peel can remove more layers of skin, thereby removing/reducing or at least can lessen the appearance of darker and deeper blemishes. The procedure of Facial Peels is most successful with scarring and superficial skin marks; those with large patches of dark pigmentation or deep scarring are not good candidates for a chemical peel. These chemical peel procedures are effective in reducing ‘wrinkles’ without having to go through a complete facelift.

There are risks involved with having a facial-chemical peel. Some of the chemicals used in facial peels can cause extreme bleaching of the skin, and there is a risk of scarring and even infection. After a facial peel, sometimes the skin can appear swollen and red. ‘Scabs’ might form as well, since the upper layers of the skin got burned off with the chemicals. Normally side-effects after a facial peel will resolve after a few days, but with very deep chemical-facial peels the complete recovery takes much longer.

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Facial peels are basically purely cosmetic-oriented in nature. They cannot slow down the natural aging; neither do they can remedy skin conditions. Mild facial peels can be done on a regular basis every 3 to 6 months, but deeper peels would require more time between facial peel procedures to allow the skin to renew and recover itself. As with any medical procedure, consult with your dermatologist or doctor before undergoing any facial peel. Make certain that your plastic surgeon is capable and qualified, and pay ‘close’ attention to the information you would get regarding treatment and care for your face once the procedure has been completed.

Chemical-facial peels rarely result in complications, but certain risks do exist. These risks include infection, scarring, swelling, cold sore outbreaks, and changes in skin tone. You can always reduce the risks associated with chemical facial peels by following all the instructions completely and by providing your complete medical history to a doctor.

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A facial peel provides several benefits for the skin. The procedure of facial peel can reduce wrinkles and restore a more youthful appearance to the skin, blotchy patches, uneven pigmentation, and sun damage.

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