The skin near the area of the eye is profusely sensitive. Mostly, the wrinkles surface in this area. The appearance of wrinkles is the initial sign of tiredness. A lot of things can be predicted by looking at the condition of a person’s eye. Dry skin near the eyes can prove to be very troublesome. The elasticity factor of the skin also reduces, and wrinkles tend to develop after the occurrence of dry skin. Since dry skin can give rise to wrinkles it is important to implement a proper skincare routine so that dry skin does not occur and even if it occurs, it should not get the scope to further harm the skin. This step should be taken as an act of prevention. The general skincare regime for the face includes the usage of a basic moisturizer.
Skin Around The Eyes is Delicate Hence Need Extra Care
But when it comes to taking care of the skin around the eyes, then just using a moisturizer will not be of much help. A couple of more products should be used in addition to the usual moisturizer.
Drinks Lots Of Water And Avoid Alcohol: In order to keep your skin healthy, drink lots and lots of water (at least 8 glasses daily) and restrict alcohol consumption to a maximum of two glasses of wine a day.
Remove Eye Make-Up Before Going To Bed: Makeup remover for the eye should be used before going to bed. The presence of makeup on the skin throughout the day is not good for the skin as a lot of chemicals are found in beauty products. Although most of the companies claim that chemical content in their product is present in very less amount but reports like this are mostly untrue.
Use Make-Up Remover To Remove Your Make-Up To Avoid Dryness: Nowadays people prefer waterproof makeup so that it lasts throughout the day. Due to this nature of the makeup products people tend to take off the makeup with the help of a towel cloth and soap water. But while doing so, most of them are unaware of the fact that soaps make the skin drier. And usage of a towel cloth can cause both dryness and irritation. To prevent these types of harmful actions on the skin, one should use a makeup remover that is oil-based in nature.
Anti-Oxidant Eye Creams: A good quality makeup remover can prevent the skin on the face and the area near the eyes from getting dry. Many eye creams are available in the market, which is antioxidant in nature and helps in preventing the incidence of wrinkles. According to the condition of the skin, the cream can be applied once or twice a day.
Use Of Sunscreen Lotions And Sunglasses: If dry skin is experienced in the area near the eye then, excessive sun exposure can be one of its reasons. Using a sunscreen lotion is compulsory to protect the face and a sunglass should also be worn in order to protect the area of the eye.
It is said that the health of a person is reflected in his eyes. If the health condition of a person is not normal then it can be found out from the dullness in his skin. Along with a couple of skincare products, a good diet, consuming a sufficient amount of water helps to keep the skin away from dryness and the skin also achieves a natural glow which is priceless.