
Benefits And Side Effects Of Cinnamon

If you were to get to know some of the most popular herbs, then you should not leave out the cinnamon on your list. Cinnamon was anciently used as a spice and was at the time regarded as the bark of the cinnamon zeylanicum tree. It is well known around the world for its fine benefits of use. It has been used as a favorite flavor on food and drinks not forgetting that it is used in perfumes and fragrances. Over the years, it has been believed to be effective on diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems.

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Health Benefits Of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is used in the world today in the treating of various health disorders which include skin infections, blood impurity, and also heart disorders. These benefits of Cinnamon are highly attributed to the fact that it contains antibacterial, antimicrobial, antifungal, astringent, and anti-clotting properties. Over and above, cinnamon is rich in various minerals such as iron, calcium, and manganese not forgetting that it contains fiber. 


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Cinnamon is a good brain tonic for it is known to boost the activity of the brain. It contains ingredients that help in the removal of memory loss and also nervous tension. According to research at the wheeling Jesuit University in the US, there is proof that the scent of cinnamon can for sure boost brain activity. According to the research, people who were administered with cinnamon improved on cognitive activities that include virtual recognition memory, working memory, and also attention processes.

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Cinnamon extends its benefits to blood purification. The herb is very effective in the removal of impurities from the blood and it is therefore recommended for people who have pimples. This continues further to the herb being an aid to the circulation of blood. Cinnamon herb is able to achieve this from the presence of the compounds that are responsible for the thinning of the blood. When there is good circulation of blood, the pain-relieving element is present too. The doctors have always said that good blood circulation ensures there is high oxygen circulation to all the cells in the body thereby leading to a higher metabolic activity. This means that when one uses cinnamon, they will reduce significantly the chance of falling casualty to a heart attack.

Diabetes has been a common threat to the lives of many individuals around the world. Cinnamon has good news for those individuals. This is because the herb has the ability to control blood sugar. Most of the people who have been diagnosed with diabetes have over time found cinnamon to be useful for it really helps them use less insulin. Cinnamon has been found to be highly helpful to individuals who are suffering from type2 diabetes. The abundant presence of a polyphenol compound known as MHCP acts with insulin and helps in insulin utilization.

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Due to the antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial, and antiseptic properties of cinnamon, it has an effect on both internal and external infections. It helps in the fighting and destroying of germs in organs like the gall bladder and the bacteria in situations like that of staph infections. Cinnamon also contains anti-inflammatory properties and therefore helps in removing the stiffness of muscles. The muscles and joints are relieved the pain and stiffness. There is a further recommendation of the use of cinnamon on arthritis. Headaches caused by colds are also stopped by the use of the same. 

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Side effects of the use of cinnamon

A study on the side effects of cinnamon has been conducted and shown that they are minimal but have nevertheless been reported. For instance, Oral erythema multiforme is a condition that is cinnamon induced is one of the reported cases. The manifestation of this condition is extensive surface ulcerations which are chronic and also in lip swelling. This condition happens to be eliminated by the end of using cinnamon. There have also been reported cases of another condition known as stomatitis which is also cinnamon-induced. A case of the swelling of the tongue due to continued use of a cinnamon-flavored gum has been reported, the condition is a squamous cell.

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