Baby and Mother checkup

Everything to know about six-week baby and mother checkup

Pregnancy is considered as the most crucial period for both the baby and the mother. A newborn infant is being developed inside the womb of its mother which brings several changes in the structure and functioning of the mother’s physical body. Not only this, the baby grows with two months after the delivery and the environment plays a major role in the evolution of the baby’s habits.

This article will provide you with a better understanding of the series of changes that occurs in the body of the baby as well as its mother.

For baby

Given below are some of the essential points that involve all kinds of changes that occur in the body of a newborn baby:

  • Head: The size and shape of a baby’s head vary. But, the very small or very large head can signify other things. The circumference of the head will be noted and the head checked for the two soft spots. The first, at the back, should be closed at six weeks and the second at the front should be closed by 18 months.
  • Skin, weight, and height: Colour, texture, and elasticity of the baby’s skin are checked. Notes are made of birthmarks. Weight and height both will be recorded.
  • Reflexes: Automatic responses movement and the tightening of fingers around the doctor’s hand will be checked to ensure the central nervous system is operating well.
  • Feet and hips: The doctor will examine the baby for signs of talipes. The doctor will move the hips in a running motion to check for a condition called congenital dislocating hips. The same has been performed before you left the hospital.
  • Genitals: The labia will be examined for signs of fusing or abnormalities on baby girl. While the boy’s penis is checked to ensure that the urethra opens at the tip. The tests will be examined to see if they are descending. The anus of both sexes will be examined.
  • Stomach: The shape and size of the stomach must be checked from a child specialist. The umbilical cord stump should have fallen off and the wound site examined for any signs of infection. If you have noticed oozing from the site let your doctor know.
  • Hands, arms and legs: Fingers will be counted and creases on the palms checked. Creases should be pink when pulled flat. Your doctor will check your emotional as well as physical well being. Arms and legs will be examined for good muscle tone, symmetry, and
  • Heart and lungs: The doctor will listen to the baby’s breathing. If you noticed that your baby is particularly pale or has difficulty in breathing while sleeping let your doctor know.
  • Mouth: The mouth of the baby should be pink and moist. The doctor will check for the tongue – tie or cleft lip. While patches on the tongue may indicate thrush which will need treatment. The appearance of any early teeth will be noted.
  • Eyes and ears: You may be asked if your baby turns his head to bright objects or lights and if he follows your face with his eyes. Tear ducts will be examined and the eyes checked for any visible abnormalities. The shape and position of the ears will be checked too for genetic disorders such as Down syndrome, which has characteristically low set ears. You will be asked if the baby responds to loud noises and the ear canal will also examine. Just don’t get worried if the baby does do not respond to the doctor’s clap immediately. As some babies take their time to respond. The hearing will be checked again at a later stage.
Baby and mother care
Image Source Pixabay

For Mother

Now, let’s have a look at some of the interesting changes that have taken place in the mother’s body after one month of her delivery:

  • Breasts: Your doctor will examine the breasts for any lumps or tenderness, check the condition of the nipples and observe It is important for your doctor to keep track of what’s normal and what is not.
  • Uterus, ovaries, and cervix: Your doctor will make sure that your reproductive organs are returning to their pre-pregnancy The doctor will also check your uterus for signs of infection such as tenderness. Your doctor will feel your tummy to make sure that your womb has contracted down properly.
  • Your general health: It is important for you to get an overall health check. Your doctor checks your weight and blood pressure and may even take your pulse or listen to your heartbeats. Your doctor will check your emotional as well as physical well being.
  • Bladder and intestines: Pregnancy and delivery can really take their toll on the bladder and intestines. So, your health care provider will ask whether or not you have had any leaking urine, extreme bowel urgency or bothersome constipation.
  • Thyroid: It is also important that your doctor should check your thyroid. There is a butterfly-shaped gland in your neck that is very active in producing hormones during pregnancy. So to make sure it is of the normal size your doctor should also manually check it.
  • Weight: If you are obese with a BMI of 30 or more you may be weighed. Your doctor may give you advice about ways of losing any weight you have gained during pregnancy and also guidance on healthy eating and physical activity.
  • Examination of stitches and cervical screening: You may be offered an examination to see if your stitches have healed if you have a cesarean section and also all the muscles used during the birth are returning to normal. In case you were due for a cervical screening test while pregnant, this should be rescheduled for 12 weeks after birth.

Some Final Words

A proper medical checkup is necessary for at least two months after the delivery. Doctors can easily tell about any kind of minor problem that might affect the health of the baby or the mother.

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