
Ayurvedic treatment For Gum Disease

Gingivitis or inflammation of the gums is one of the most common gum diseases in the present day. Gum disease is known as periodontal disease. The inflammation affects the ligament that supports the teeth by holding the teeth positioned in the jaw bone. This is the earliest stage of gum infection. This condition may lead to loss of teeth as is found in most cases and also affects the jaw bone if allowed to advance. Sometimes it may be the underlying cause of coronary heart disease.

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Ayurveda and dental problems

Ayurveda considers the mouth as the seat of kapha dosha. Vitiation of kapha gives rise to several dental disorders. The disease is viewed as a state of disturbance of thee doshas in the body namely Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Ayurveda is both curative and preventive focusing on natural therapies and a personalized approach to treatments.

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Symptoms for Gum Disease

The tartar collection irritates the gums and makes them shrink. Thus a gap is created between the teeth and the gums where bacteria get into and thrive. This inflammation leads to severe inflammation of the gums. The bacteria caused the destruction of the tissues surrounding the gums and disease f the gum starts. The common symptom of gum disease is swelling of the gums. The pain may be a slight pain, bad breath and loosening of teeth. There may be bleeding from the gums and grayish mucus covering them in cases of periodontitis.

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Factors contributing to the development of gum disease

Pregnancy, menopause, puberty, and users of oral or injectable contraceptives are conditions that can facilitate the development of bacteria around the gums due to fluctuation in the hormone levels. Smokers are also vulnerable to the attack of gum infections. Certain other diseases such as allergies, scurvy, leukemia, AIDS may also cause gum disease. Some medicines may also lead to gum problems as some of them are sued to block the blood channels to control blood pressure during organ transplants.

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Ayurvedic Treatment For Dental Concerns

Ayurvedic treatment mainly focuses on prevention. For bleeding gums, the Ayurvedic remedy is taking a cup of water with fresh lemon juice to stop the bleeding. Amla powder mixed with a cup of water is also effective in controlling the bleeding of gums. Vitamin C plays a vital role in restricting the loosening of the teeth. It is helpful in curing other dental disorders as well. Neem powder can be used to brush the teeth that can also strengthen the gums.

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Young smiling woman, white background, teeth

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Peppermint, sage oil, and menthol are good for treating gingivitis. Food should contain lots of fiber. Rubbing the gel of Aloe Vera around the gums and gargling with water after that is effective in treating gum diseases. A concoction made from Triphala is highly effective in curing gum disease and gingivitis in particular. Gargling with water in which Triphala powder is added is helpful to control gum disease. Gargling with luck warm water with a pinch of salt twice a day is helpful. Toothpaste that contains basil, babool, Neem, and mint should be used to prevent gum diseases. They also prevent the infection if any from spreading, reducing the swelling and inflammation of gums. Herbal mouth wash is another way to prevent gum infection. Using clove oil for rubbing the gums or chewing cloves is helpful in checking the gum disease.

Prevention Of Dental Problems

The most important aspect of gum disease prevention is oral hygiene. Brushing the teeth with herbal toothpaste twice daily is a good way to prevent gum disease. Maintain good general health by eating nutritious and balanced food and avoiding indigestion. Avoid smoking as smokers are twice as vulnerable to gum disease as those who do not smoke.

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