
Ayurvedic Remedies For Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a condition in which there is increased pressure inside the eye. If undetected and treated it can lead to diseases of the optic nerve and may even lead to blindness.  Eyes contain a watery fluid that circulates freely between the iris and the cornea. This fluid normally flows freely into and out of the eyes.  When Glaucoma occurs, the fluid is blocked and does not flow out due to increased pressure which damages the optic nerve.

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Optic nerves perform the vital task of carrying the brain’s information to the eyes and are responsible for good eyesight. Timely and proper treatment can arrest the progress of this disease. There are no initial symptoms or pain and there will not be any change in vision. After the disease manifests, it may be detected through eye exams and based on the information about his condition, age, food habits, environment, lifestyle, medical history, and so on. Remedies will be decided based on this information.

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Ayurveda Remedies

Ayurveda is a life science that is holistic and involves natural remedies. This ancient Indian medical system provides very effective treatment without any side effects and is safe. This can give permanent relief.  The treatment involves diet, herbal medicines and certain other processes that strengthen the body and build immunity.

Ayurveda views Glaucoma as the disease that is caused by Kapha dosha vitiation in the viscous fluid surrounding the cornea. This condition may lead to loss of vision on the peripheral or sideways and if unchecked can result in total and permanent loss of vision.

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Cindy Prado

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Ayurveda Remedies for Glaucoma

Ayurveda treatments are based on the concept that by correcting the imbalances and disturbances the ailment can be cured effectively and permanently.

  • The health of the eyes depends on good nutrition that is rich in vitamins and minerals. Copper, Zinc, Vitamins A, B, C, and E, and Selenium are helpful in improving the health of the eyes. These nutrients are available in vitamin supplements and also in vegetables and fruits such as guava, parsley, citrus fruits, strawberries, broccoli bells peppers, etc.
  • Take Amla, Indian gooseberry with honey as it can reduce tension inside the eyes.
  • Tea made with Punarnava leaves should be taken two to three times a day.
  • Triphala is very useful as a cleanser for the eyes and so it can be used as an eyewash to treat eye diseases.
  • Drink plenty of water and avoid caffeine and alcohol consumption.
  • Ayurvedic massages can help in the treatment of Glaucoma.
  • Regular exercise on a daily basis improves general health and blood circulation in particular.
  • Make sure to get adequate exposure to sunlight.
  • Take breaks to rest the eyes and reduce eye strain from TV, computers, driving, and reading.
  • Meditating regularly on a daily basis can relax the nerves and can improve the general health of the whole body.

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