
Ayurvedic Cure For Ringworm

Ringworm is also known as Tinea is a type of skin disease caused by a fungal infection. The red rashes appear as several patches on the skin in form of a red ring and spread in circles. The affected person will feel itching and discomfort. The disease is highly contagious. Different types of fungi affect different parts of the body.

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Red scaly and itchy and oozing patches in round shape appear on different areas of the skin. The infection spreads like rings leaving normal skin in the center. The rings are scaly or vesicular lesions and spread peripherally accompanied by itching which can lead to secondary infections. Bald patches may appear in the scalp or beard if infected. When the nails get infected they become discolored, harden, and may crumble.

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The main cause of ringworms is improper hygiene and humid weather. 

Ayurveda and Ringworm

The name given to this disease is Dadru in Ayurveda. It is caused due to the vitiation of the Vata and Kapha doshas. Ayurvedic remedies for Ringworm are very effective and cause no side effects. Toxins accumulate in the body when these doshas are vitiated and affect the blood, tissues, muscles and skin. There are powerful herbs used in the treatment of ringworm like Neem and Basil.

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Herbal Remedy for Ringworm

  • Babul, Butea, Cassia, Basil, and Madhuca are the highly effective herbs used in Ayurvedic treatments for providing relief from ringworm.
  • Turmeric paste can also be applied on the patches of skin as Turmeric is a good disinfectant. Turmeric is also taken orally along with honey.
  • A paste made with Cassia leaves can also be applied externally to the affected areas.
  • Neem paste should be applied to the affected area regularly for relief from itching.
  • Neem leaves are boiled in water and made as bathwater in which the patient is made to take bath.
  • Lemongrass leaves can be added to buttermilk and made into a paste and applied to the affected areas.
  • The leaves of Leadwort are made into a paste and mixed with water and salt and applied to the affected areas. Another benefit of this herb is that it can erase all the marks on the skin due to ringworm.
  • Drink the juice of fresh coriander leaves mixed with turmeric. This will help alleviate dryness, especially during the winter season.
  • Honey can be applied externally and also taken locally for relief.
  • Tea Tree oil can also be applied to the affected skin.

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Diet Recommendation

The patient suffering from ringworm should completely avoid sour food. They should eat more drumstick, neem, and bitter guard. Foods made of white flour and artificial foods and fast foods must be avoided. Other things to avoid are excessive salty foods, cola-like beverages, tomatoes, and meat.   Garlic, turmeric, and sea salt are helpful in digestion and also in killing the yeast and fungi as well as the other bacteria. Yogurt can help indigestion.

Other Advice

Always wear clean clothes after a refreshing bath.

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