
Ayurvedic Bronchodilators In Asthma

Bronchodilators in Ayurveda are medicines that are used in the treatment of breathing disorders known as Bronchial disorders.   Bronchodilators are medications to expel the accumulated mucous and other allergic substances from the lungs, trachea, and bronchi of the patient. Depending upon the severity of the condition and symptoms the drugs are carefully chosen in the treatment.

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In Ayurveda they are known as “swasa”.    The breathing disorders are classified into five different types namely Ksudra, Chinna, Mahan, Tamaka, and Urdhva.  They create different types of breathing in the patient and the treatment is based on this type of breath.   Ayurveda text collectively talks about the swasa diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, and Emphysema.   Disorders being mainly of the respiratory tract affect the functioning of the lungs.

Bronchodilators are medications to expel the accumulated mucous and other allergic substances from the lungs, trachea, and bronchi of the patient. This results in the easing of respiration due to added airflow. Depending upon the severity of the condition and symptoms the drugs are carefully chosen in the treatment.

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Bronchodilators girl face

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How does Bronchodilator work?

In a patient, the bronchial tubes are found to be constricted because of the muscular spasm triggered by the asthmatic condition. The drugs known as Bronchodilators are used in the treatment. When they work the tubes get dilated and there is an increase in the flow of air. Thus the patient’s breathing is made easier.   Some Bronchodilators are used in some patients as a preventive measure. They also eliminate the waste usually in the form of mucous from the lungs and the respiratory tract.  Expectorants help in draining the mucous from the lungs after thinning the mucous and they soothe the irritated respiratory tract by lubricating the area.

Herbs used for easing the breath

There are two categories of herbs used in enhancing the flow of breath in asthmatic patients. They are Bronchodilators and Expectorants.  Bronchodilators help to expand the air passage for allowing better airflow to ease the difficulty in the breathing of the patient. They are essential for the management of asthma as well as chronic bronchitis as these conditions cause obstruction in the normal airflow and make breathing difficult.

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Sida Cordifolia, known as Bala is another important drug in the treatment of respiratory ailments.  It is a respiratory tonic that acts as a mild bronchodilator. It is characterized by a cool virya, sweet rasa, and sweet vipaka. Bala is heavy and oily the qualities that are most suitable to treating the vata conditions.  It is a drug generously used in the treatment of a number of vata disorders.

Vasa is an Indian herb which is known as Adhatoda Vasica.  Vasa acts as both a bronchodilator and an expectorant. A cool virya and bitter and astringent rasa are its characteristics.   Being rough and dry makes it an ideal drug for pacifying the aggravated pitta and kapha of the patient.

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Various forms of treatment

There are other forms of using bronchodilators for treating respiratory tract disorders such as Inhalation nasya therapy, Dhanvantar Gutika, Kanakasava Vasarishta, Pushmarmula churna, Laghu malini, Vasanta Lavangadi churna, and Chousanth prahari pipal.  Adhatoda vasica is an effective medicine with bronchodilatory properties that help in improving ventilation to the respiratory tract and stimulating respiration.

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