Parents Talks Girl

Average Time To Conceive

There are many couples who try to have their baby and wait for the average time to conceive. While for some of the cases, the couple needs to take help from the fertility centers in order to expand their family.

So, it often becomes difficult to compare one from other women who conceive quickly. Some of the women however conceive at the right time, some often take up a year, and others conceive when they are not even trying. There are a lot of things that affect fertility and the ability of the woman to conceive. Here are some of the factors that affect fertility:

Ovulation:  One needs to understand the time of the ovulation as the ideal time includes the 14 days after the period for most women as it is a crucial piece to achieve a pregnancy. Many women also prepare a chart of their monthly cycles and keep a track of their normal body temperature, so that they are able to know the time for when they can plan for the intercourse. One can also take the help of an ovulation test kit, keep a track of their due dates and consult with the physicians.

Medications: Certain medication also affects one’s ability for conceiving, as in most cases it works. It has been observed that often those women who have stopped taking the birth control pill or shots often find it difficult for their cycles to return to normal. This often makes it difficult for conceiving in the right manner, but one should always be back on track in a few months.

CycleIrregularities: Although most of the women ovulate around 14 days of their cycle, some may even ovulate on the 12th day or on the 16th day, depending upon the condition of the body. In fact, a woman could also ovulate every month on the 14 days but then unexpectedly it might ovulate off-schedule. So, there are many things that affect ovulation.


Overall health: The overall health of a mother affects a huge impact on her ability to conceive. It really becomes difficult for a mother who is overweight, or stressed, or severely ill, or malnourished, it often affects the pregnancy. As also drinking too much alcohol, smoking, and taking drugs have harmful effects on an unborn child as well as on the would-be mother. Women who are planning to conceive should consider making an appointment with their gynachaelogist, for consultation and treatment.

Those women who are under 35 and who have been trying to conceive for more than one year without success, should contact their gynecologist, as there might be some infertility issues with them that are preventing their conception. One should also refer to a fertility specialist or should undergo the treatment of various fertility medications like Clomid.  And, if this kind of treatment fails after having medications, then one needs to use the other reproductive options like IVF, IUI, or artificial stimulation. But, those women, who are over 35 should contact their physicians if they are not able to conceive even after six months of trying.

So, it has been observed that, although many people consider infertility to be a female-based problem, recent surveys have shown that men are also more likely to have issues with fertility as a woman has.

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