beautiful lady parents talks

An open talk about Menstruation Hygiene

Menstruation cycle in a woman is a very vital biological process of the reproductive cycle which should be handled with care to maintain the hygiene. But in India, still, there are many parts where the girls feel ashamed to talk about their periods. Still, there are many parts in India where culturally the menses are considered as dirty and impure. Even in some places, the females are not allowed to enter the kitchen or to touch anything in the house during these 7 days.  Even I had an experience where one of my known ladies went to take bath again as I touched her unintentionally and thus I know that these things still exist. So, every culture is different as per their religion and we are not here to discuss any culture. So, let’s have a brief talk and discussion about the PERIODS.

The menstruation cycle is a healthy process and every female across the globe should know and follow the hygienic tips to prevent any type of vaginal or internal infection. There are many things from which many females are still unaware as like menstrual cup and tampons. It is a matter which should be clearly known to every female to stay clean and healthy. So, let’s have a look at some of the Menstruation Hygiene things:

Regular bath

The very first method to be hygienic during periods is the regular bath. This is the most important thing which every woman should follow. Bathing is not only good for your body cleaning but it also cleans your private parts properly. Bathing during menses also helps in relieving cramps, backaches, stomach pain, helps improve your mood and makes you feel less bloated. After taking bath you will feel very relaxed and much better than before.

Hygiene method of sanitation

The most useable method in India to hold the blood during menstruation cycle is the sanitary napkins. Even some girls in rural area still use the cotton usable cloths which are totally unhygienic.  But they do because either they are not aware of the other menses products or the products are unaffordable to them. Apart from sanitary napkins, the other ways are tampons, menstrual cups, and menstrual sponge. Whatever be the product you are using make sure that it is totally hygienic. If it is reusable then use properly and clean it within time. But if it is not then changing the menstruation sanitations within time to avoid any type of infection or major disease.

Changing method

The menstruation blood when stays for a long time after it is left from the body gets contaminated with the body’s innate organism. There are many women who use the same pad or tampons for the whole day if they have less blood flow. But this is not a hygiene thing because the blood for a long time can lead to many serious infections like vaginal infection, urinary tract infection or many types of skin rashes. The sanitary napkin should be changed after every six hours and tampons every two hours. If you have heavy flow then you can change it according to your need. The regular interval changes can provide you with hygienic menstruation days.

Water Wash

Always wash your Vagina with water because whenever the blood comes out it is not totally absorbed by the napkins or other sanitation. They enter at tiny spaces like the skin between your labia or crust around the opening of the vagina. This can also cause a bad odour. If you are somewhere outside and unable to wash with water then make sure to wipe the areas with tissue paper.

Avoid cosmetic products

Don’t use any type of soaps, body washes, creams or any other cosmetic products to vagina because the chemicals in it can harm your skin and cause infection. It is better if you wash the vagina with the doctor soap and use prescribed cream. You can also clean the vaginal area using warm water regularly, after each use of toilet and even after urination.

Discard sanitary products properly

Hygienic is not only a matter of yours but it is also of others. So, discard your used sanitary products in such a way that it does then no harm to others. Wrap your used sanitation properly and destroy it in dustbin so that it cannot spread the bacteria and infections.

Avoid pad rashes

Sometimes using a pad for a long time with the heavy flow can cause irritating rashes. Change the pad before it gets wet because regular wetness can lead to the skin which can be very itchy and sometimes burning. If the situation gets worse then consult with the doctor to get the proper medications

One sanitation at one time

Many women use two sanitation method at one time to prevent the heavy blood but this is not a good idea because the blood absorption of two sanitation at one time can create the harmful infection like rashes, infections and in the case of tampons even TSS.       

Quality matters

Whatever be the sanitation method you are using use it of the better quality. The woman’s skin is so sensitive which cannot tolerate the low-quality products. This type of products can be proved unhygienic and can lead to rashes, itchiness, and burning to the skin.


Choose clean and properly washed panties to be hygienic. Change it twice a day to avoid any type of infections.


Select comfortable, loose clothing instead of tight-fitting clothes for better airflow around the sensitive areas as well as prevent sweating to a large extent. 


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