It is estimated that the human mind is can process 60000 thoughts daily viz. one thought per 1.2 seconds. The brain is a muscle like any other and it is capable of just shutting off. All of us have gone through baffling episodes when we are unable to find keys, important documents, or things we use on a regular basis or inexplicably blanking out while conversing.
Lack of concentration afflicts us the most when we are preoccupied with other things or when the body and mind are not synchronized. Research has found that in most adults, lack of concentration sets in by the age of 38. This is the time when most of us are burning the candle at ends, juggling work and family responsibilities, taking little leisure time off. Common causes for lack of concentration can be summarized as:
- Multitasking: Most of us make the mistake of trying to do too many things at the same time. We may try to finish a pending mail while continuing a telephone conversation and checking Facebook at the same time. At home, we make the mistake of cooking while chatting on the phone and supervising a child’s homework simultaneously. The mind is an amazing thing and can help us multitask but at some point in time, we cannot do many things simultaneously and do it 100 percent perfect. With multiple demands on our time, the trick is then to prioritize and do just the important things one at a time.
- Lack of sleep: Lack of concentration afflicts us the most when we are preoccupied with other things or when the body and mind are not synchronized. Research has found that in most adults, lack of concentration sets in by the age of 38. This is the time when most of us are burning the candle at ends, juggling work and family responsibilities, taking little leisure time off. We compromise on our 8 hours of sleep, in order to fit in the maximum in our waking hours. The mind is bound to just witch off, unable to bear the overload. We must ensure to get sufficient rest, in order to optimize our mental faculties.
- Wrong eating habits: The brain requires the benefits of a balanced diet. If we keep irregular meal times, eat oily food or load ourselves with calories in high sugar foods, the mind is either bound to be sluggish or become hyperactive, either way making concentration difficult.
- Work-related causes: A job with is very stressful or provides little in terms of job satisfaction does not provide any motivation for the mind to give its best. The solution is a change of job or self-motivation. Maintaining a good work-life balance also is immensely helpful. Meditation or taking up a hobby can do wonders in calming a stressed mind.
- Lack of exercise: A sound mind in a sound body – the adage about the benefit of exercise to the body and mind holds true. Moderate exercise also has manifold benefits for the body. Exercise increases blood circulation, corrects our breathing, and helps us sleep better, all of which strengthen the mind.
While some amount of lack of concentration afflicts all of us, attention deficit over a prolonged period of time is worrisome and may signal some serious problem. So it better to maintain a lifestyle that ensures proper care of your physical as well as emotional well-being.